Sex Trafficking in America: A Former Sex Slave’s Story of Hope & Forgiveness:”FortheSakeofOne. org”

Sex Trafficking in America: A Former Sex Slave’s Story of Hope & Forgiveness:”FortheSakeofOne. org”.

Thanks to Human Traffic Watch for publishing this video.  This woman is so strong but no one on earth should have to endure what she had.  She is blessed, it is a miracle she’s alive.. I teared up… some of it is VERY hard to hear but we need to end this.
300,000 children are sold into sex slavery in the United States a year.
If the NSA is spying so profusely, why can’t they stop it?  Only 1 in 100 sex traffickers ever does time according to this video.  Also, apparently there are like 800 survelliance cameras in DC, why is it that Washington DC has the highest child prostitution statistics.  I remember watching a Lisa Ling special and they were 6 blocks from the white house, one of the girls couldn’t have been 13.  I cannot imagine what these children go through thank God for that, but my heart cries out just standing by.  I would like to work with runaways or something… I need to look into something.  I feel like SOMETHING is better than nothing.
What really bothers me about child abuse is how many people who see it happening to someone else are too cowardly to go to law enforcement.  This is one time there is no excuse, EVER.  I don’t care how much you love them, you know in your heart they are sick and there is nothing you can do.  I’m sorry, but if you like to hurt children, you are sick as fuck and I am a very open minded individual.  That is the only vigilant crime I would like, to stop you fuckers from ever touching another child.  Just tase you, beat you up a bit nothing horrible, once you’re in prison I know the men in there with questionable pasts that are still human will take care of you, perhaps they view that as their redemption.  I suppose that is wrong to think, I just don’t care.  You will be judged in the end, I don’t care if you believe in hell or reincarnation or nothing.  I am very passionate about this.
The people high in society she alludes to need to be exposed NOW.  And all need to serve more time than people on damn charges for drugs, traffic or theft!!!  UGH

I send this woman and all survivors of sexual abuse male and female my love and light, you are all beautiful.  You deserve peace and safety.  They say everyone means the world to someone, even though they may never know…